The Fifth Estate is a socio-cultural reference to groupings of outlier viewpoints in contemporary society, and is most associated with bloggers, journalists publishing in non-mainstream media outlets, and the social media or "social license".

Red China, the enemy of the world

The United States of America is set on a dangerous path, stumbling either willfully or ignorantly toward the mouth of a dragon. 

Many people think our great experiment is Democracy – though we were founded as a Constitutional Republic – and while that may be a part of the American experience, our real test is on capitalism, and how it meshes with the individual freedoms and rights protected by our own national framework.  Do we believe in rights?  If so, do we believe in rights for everyone, and not just ourselves?  Do we believe that our economic strategy is more important than the intrinsic birthright of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness if you are not an American?

In doing business with China, we have tested the waters in trying to find balance between democracy and the belief and support of the freedoms of all.  It is a test doomed to failure, and one that empowers and emboldens violations of human rights and ideological warfare in the name of profit.

At the current time reports indicate that China is housing one to three million Uyghurs in concentration camps – what china calls ‘re-education’ – as they commit state sponsored genocide.  Did you know that you can schedule an organ transfer taken from a living source in China?  Called the bloody harvest, political dissidents – prisoners of conscience – and minorities to the Han Chinese have their organs forcibly removed and sold to other citizens, or to foreign “transplant tourists”.  Chinese hospitals will deliver a matching organ within two weeks.  They know exactly which organs will match, as they subject their prisoners to examinations on a regular basis. 

China’s occupation of Tibet continues – an unprovoked occupation since 1950, with a state plan to emplace their own Dali Lama since the kidnapping of the 11th Panchen Lama (Gedhun Choekyi Nyima) in 1995.  Their expansion into the South China Sea – a direct affront to the national sovereignty of the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and a looming threat to Japan and Australia – is a power grab whose actions and proportions have never been seen, as they literally build their own islands in order to control trade.  Plans for two belts of islands are underway, asserting a Chinese territorial claim in exclusive economic zones.  And the world stands still once more, as a repeat of the Tiananmen Square Massacre unfolds in the heart of Hong Kong.  Citizens of a democracy are carted away by police and disappeared for ‘re-education’ by party members, they’re called ‘cockroaches’ by mainlanders – they are set to watch as they lose their democracy to the powers of the CCP as the party enacts a national security law in order to identify political dissidents and take action against them.

This is the government we have handed over our production lines to.  This is the government who has a veto vote in the United Nations.  They are perpetrators of genocide, murderers, civil and international terrorists, and ideological monsters – all in the name of their government, and the control and authority of the party.  They are the equivalent of modern day Orwellian spun Nazis – and the United States of America continues to do business with them because we, apparently, only believe in individual rights for ourselves – and because we, apparently, don’t believe in paying for human capital, at least not when human rights comes with it.

China looms militarily.  The People’s Liberation Army, two million strong with 510,000 reserve in the wings, are stepping up readiness.  With rapid modernization of its Navy, with two air craft carriers in operation, and several more in development, they seek to control waters in their favor and upset Pax Americana which has secured trade across the globe for decades.  China is in a mode of expansion – the development of an empire, and they don’t care who they have to take from in order to gain their ‘breathing room’.

The world has mostly stood by as China has conducted business.  In 1989, between June 1st and 5th the Tiananmen Square protests were broadcast and the PRC mobilized 300,000 troops to Beijing.  They mowed down students with gunfire, grinding their dead bodies into paste under the tracks of their deployed Type 59 main battle tanks.  What remained of their bodies were washed down the drains.  Amnesty International estimates over a thousand killed.  Brutally murdered in a quest for freedom – and so killed in order to send a message to others who might protest – you will be killed.

The international response was luke-warm at best.  30 years later, we’re knee deep in bed with a country who denies it ever happened.  No recognition, no apology, no response other than to ramp up oppression – the re-education and disappearances of supporters for the pro-democracy movement, increased censorship of media and expulsion of foreign journalists, enhanced control over the Chinese economy, and the freedom to re-write their history to brainwash their own people.  So easy we are to forget, that less than ten years after this open display of China’s modus-operandi in regards to human rights and freedom, then President Bill Clinton was doing everything he could to ensure China was a part of the world trade organization.

In the face of capitalist greed, human rights have lost out, and continue to lose out.

But who are we to complain?  Anyone can point out our own faults – the trail of tears, WWII camps for Japanese, the bay of pigs, the Kent state shooting, and American expansionism in general in the name of security, democracy, and individual American interest.  “Aren’t the Chinese just doing the same?” you might ask.

I look at the media coverage of Hong Kong and I can’t agree.  The future, if the People’s Republic of China’s interests and ideals win out, is described best by George Orwell – “imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

The ideals of the United States of America – western ideals – are central to individual freedoms.  The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The right to freedom of the press, to religion, to assembly.  Protection from search and seizure, the right to self-defense in bearing arms.  The right to self-determination, and the freedom of self over government – not of government over self.  There are no tag lines attached to our freedoms – no ‘except when it infringes upon the party.’  We control our government, it doesn’t control us.  Americans are born free, and fight for that freedom their whole lives – we are honest about our failures and about our mistakes in a hope to make the future better.  Citizens of the Peoples Republic of China are born slaves (though they’d never admit it), and are exploited not just by their government, but by the world – the Peoples Republic of China are not honest with the world, or with themselves, and they have no interest in changing.

Americans need to start thinking hard about their own defense in the face of brutal communist dictatorship, and the defense of their neighbors, whose rights and intrinsic human worth must be the forefront of our policies.  We must first help Hong Kong.  Emergency asylum must be granted to the citizens of Hong Kong by the United States, and Great Britain.  By and large we have failed many allies in our amnesty policies, and the worst part is we do it consistently; the citizens of South Vietnam, the translators and interpreters of Iraq and Afghanistan – we must not fail again.

A new pacific partnership needs to be ratified with Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia.  Supply chains need to be moved out of China, and established through the new pacific partnership, with an emphasis on good deals on trade for countries that sanction and exclude Chinese manufacturing and assembly, as well as Chinese goods.

Taiwan needs to be recognized as the true China – they must declare formal independence, and arms trade, and an offer to house a naval base (home to a U.S. Carrier group) on the island needs to be made.  The Taiwan Relations Act passed by Congress in 1979 reformed our defense relationship with Taiwan.  A new defense relationship must be established, and fostered.

A standard for respect to individual freedoms must be held, and China must be isolated on the world stage until they comply.  The People’s Republic of China must be ejected from the world trade organization.  Global aid to the People’s Republic of China must cease.  The World Bank must cease issuing loans to the People’s Republic of China.  International investment for projects in the People’s Republic of China must be discouraged.  A new tax needs to be introduced to motivate American businesses who are knee deep in bed with PRC policies – such as Google and Apple.  Tariffs on rare earth metals, finalized electronic goods, plastics, and all other major exports from the PRC must be maximized.  Finally, plagiarism, espionage, and intellectual property theft need to be put to a stop – the front line of that battle is being fought in colleges; Chinese exchange students act on behalf of the CCP to surveille and steal from the west.  Chinese students studying abroad must have their visas canceled, and be sent home.

China is unconcerned with global perception; they exercise soft power by brutalizing economies and enslaving generations into financial servitude.  They show no remorse for their brutality, and no desire to enhance the freedoms of their people, or to allow freedoms abroad once they take control of what they want.  The world has long passed the period of imperialism – and the world as a unified group must stand up to China, boldly and with as much strength as possible, before China moves to consume us all.

Steel1Actual, 20200527

Gun Control Needs A Rebrand